Many times, even in my life, I have seen this repeat itself until I began to make decisions to forestall it.

With anything in life, either in ministry, marriage, business etc. there is always the excitement phase, and in the excitement phase, we have strong momentum and joy to build. However many do not learn to get to the next phase which is the commitment phase.

After the initial stage of excitement in marriage, business and ministry: then we must stay focused in preparation for the next phase which demands commitment. Many marriages fail after the excitement phase, many ministries fail after the excitement and lunch phase, and many goals and spiritual disciplines also fail at the excitement stage.

As we enter the second month of the year, the excitement of a New Year is gradually getting over, and the passion for your goals to be achieved may soon begin to wear out. Some others have not looked at their goals in the last week.

Before you quit, decide this year you will move from excitement to commitment. Dig in your heels and build a system around yourself that keeps you committed. Seek out the right mentors, and build accountability.

If you cross this stage which only a few will cross, you will be amazed at how much potential God has placed inside of you. The dreams on your inside ‘DEMANDS COMMITMENT’, give it all it takes!
